nity seems like a far-flung concept in today's western world. The fabric of today's society is undeniably woven with threads of division and polarization, and numbed by an insatiable quest for comfort, thereby culminating in a cheap thrill of disdain for other's views. The intricate web of social media, news outlets, and echo chambers makes it increasingly evident that we are living in an era of deep ideological divides that are fought with methods a single layer deep. However, we have allowed our pursuit for comfort to inadvertently dull our senses and deny ourselves the ability to cross the aisle, as we no longer have a vision beyond what we see in the mirror.
How many of you have heard someone say something along the lines of, "I want to move into the woods away from anyone and everyone?" Or maybe you have. Yet if we all were to achieve that mythical goal, what would it solve? What purpose would life have at that point? Could we truly survive? The stark reality is that we are far more dependent on each other than we might realize. The action or choice of one individual has a ripple effect on the entire pond.
A Generation Built on Comfort
Many want to rip on the Millennial and/or younger generations on being lazy, entitled, and narcissistic, but whether true or not, the root cause of those characteristics must stem from somewhere. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, individualistic values in the United States have been on the rise since the 1960s, and this shift towards individualism has had some negative consequences. The study found that people in more individualistic societies tend to have lower levels of social trust and less faith in their fellow citizens. This lack of trust can make it more difficult for people to form meaningful relationships, and can lead to a sense of disconnection and loneliness. [1] So here we are with a society and rising generation directed towards self over fellow man. Our only natural course of action would be towards creating a secure bubble of comfort as the love for ourselves becomes the greatest moral value. The enemy then becomes anyone who threatens any ounce of comfort.
Forging Unity: An Unconventional Path to Restoring Division
Running into the fire of adversity will melt any sense of individualism, comfort, and division, as quick as that picture of your ex in a bonfire. Think of all the bonds and friendships you have created in life; aren't the relationships where you have gone through some sort of adversity stronger? Were they there during a time of hardship? Did you fight a battle together while competing against another team? Were you simply together at the time of a major world or even local event?
There's something uniquely powerful about facing adversity alongside other men. When you're going through a tough situation with your buddies, you develop a sense of camaraderie and a shared experience that can be incredibly bonding. Whether you're overcoming a physical challenge, navigating a difficult project at work, or dealing with personal struggles, having the support and encouragement of other men can make all the difference. By facing adversity together, you'll not only form deeper and more meaningful relationships, but you'll also develop important skills and qualities like resilience, determination, and courage that will serve you well in all areas of life.
"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." [Arthur Golden]
The End of Ego Begins in the Fire of Adversity
Adversity emerges as the antidote we desperately need. When we confront challenges head-on, whether as individuals or as a collective, we transcend the narrow confines of self-interest and ego. Adversity forces us to look beyond ourselves, to empathize with others, and to find common ground amidst our differences. It breaks down the walls that separate us, exposing our shared vulnerabilities and reminding us of our interconnectedness. In the crucible of adversity, we discover that our strength lies not in isolation, but in unity. By embracing adversity as a catalyst for growth and connection, we can begin to heal the fractures of individualism and division, paving the way for a more compassionate, united, and harmonious society.
It is time to get uncomfortable. If we can't redirect our minds towards others we must put ourselves in situations that will help do it for us. So, if you're looking to forge stronger connections with other men and improve your life in countless ways, seek out challenges and adversity and tackle them with your brothers in arms by your side.
Commit to getting out of your comfort zone while alongside others and even with those that you don't ideologically align with. See the Objective(s) for ideas.
- Join an athletic sports league with people you don't know.
- Engage with others that you don't agree with face to face instead of online.
- Write down things that make you feel uncomfortable and pursue them.
- Wake up in the morning and do something that will challenge you physically and/or mentally.
- Watch the critically acclaimed TV series Band of Brothers.